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第一滴血第三部片尾曲是歌曲《He Ain't Heavy.He's My Brother》


The road is long

With many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where

Who knows when

But I'm strong

Strong enough to carry him

He ain't heavy,

he's my brother.

So on we go

His welfare is of my concern

No burden is he to bear

We'll get there

For I know

He would not encumber me

He ain't heavy,

he's my brother.

If I'm laden at all

I'm laden with sadness

That everyone's heart

Isn't filled with the gladness

and love for one another.

It's a long, long road

From which there used no return

While we're on the way to there

Why not share

And the load

Doesn't weigh me down,down at all

He ain't heavy,

he's my brother.

He's my brother

He ain't heavy,

he's my brother.

李连杰主演的电影(谁知道成龙和李连杰演过的全部电影) 更年期的表现(更年期有什么表现) 韩国性喜剧(谁能帮忙介绍几部韩国搞笑喜剧电影暴) 手持金属探测器(手持金属探测仪是什么工作原理,怎么可以跳过 少先队活动(少先队队日活动主要体现什么) 江歌最后喊的是什么(江歌妈妈凌晨发文《给刘鑫的公开信:十问 克里斯安德森(鸟人安德森有几个冠军) 机械键盘轴(机械键盘都有什么轴) 广州公交车(广州有多少公交车) 客厅电视柜(客厅多宽适合整面电视柜)
