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Shun Yunk Yued Munh Chee-wit Shun Muen Shor Malai (garland) I keep on that my life is likes a bunches of Malai


Tanohm Guy Jai Mai Wah Krai Tree Traa Waah Ray

Keep the goodwill of my heart even whoever stamp as a bad person


Hai Rao Pben Dung Malai Sam Chai

Give me the title as a Malai Sam Chai (Woman with 3 husbands)

ร้อยเรียงวุนวาย ผูกไว้ดวยสเน่หา

Roy Riang Woon Wai Pook Whai Doy Saneh Ha Chaotically sorted, fic it down with a affection。

รักบริสทธิ กลับถูกหยามให้ความต้อยต า

Ruk Borisuth Glub Took Yham Hai Kwarm Thoi Thum Innocent love is insulted and humiliated


Ruk Mee Ter Shm Mai Art Whung Hai Krai Meth-tha

My love only hurts, can't hope that someone be kindness

หนทางยังไกล ใจภาวนา

Hon Tang Yunk Glai Jai Pauwana

The way is still long, my heart pray it。

ฉันต้องฟันฝ่า ไม่วาใครเขามาย ายี

Shun Thong Fhun Fha Mai Wah Krai Kao Ma Yum Yee I have to fight against people who come to invade me。

ไม่ยอมมัวหมอง แม้ฟามัวหม่น

Mai Yom Mua Mhong Mer Fah Mua Monh I will not be sully even the sky is dirty


Mai Yom Per Pai Dum Rong Whai Hai Pun Rakey

I will not give up , will not still alive to pass these thousand of sexual desire

ขอยึดมันความดี พาชีวกาวผ่านพ้นไป

Khor Yued Mhun Kwarm Dee Par Chee-wit Gao Parn Pon Pbai I will believe on goddness, take my life forward further

แม้ใจจะเหนือยกับลมฝนทียงกระหน า

Mher Jai Ja Neur Gub Lom Fon Tee Yunk Kranum

Even if my heart is still tired with the rain what still lash down


Mher Seang Tawun Yunk Mai Tor Long Ma Sia Tee Even if the sun still not give up to come down


Whung Piang Suk Wun Sin Gum Tee Mee

Only hope that the sin/karma what I have get end


Malai Shor Nee Jaa Dai Borisuth Ngod Ngarm This Malai will finally pure and wonderful


Whung Piang Suk Wun Sin Gum Tee Mee Only hope that the sin/karma what I have get end


Malai Shor Nee Jaa Dai Borisuth Ngod Ngarm This Malai will finally pure and wonderful


真假学园5(有个电视剧叫什么学园的) 你的距离和我只差零点几毫米(女生唱的,歌词里面有LOVE这4个字母 晋江文学城排名(十大小说阅读网是哪十个网站) 五花八门一地财打一个生肖(为什么有些人在人多热闹的地方能够 铠甲勇士之帝皇铠甲(帝皇铠甲介绍) 红军长征开始于哪一年(1934年几月开始的长征) 包青天狄龙(包公误狄龙扮演者) 致亲爱的你 电影(电影《亲爱的》最主要讲了什么) 盗墓者 电影(外国盗墓者,开棺发现千年僵尸王是什么电影) 波士顿法律第二季(波士顿法律第5季有多少集)
