不需要加水 如果你加水 蜂蜜就发酵了.
可以放置温暖的房间(40以下) 会恢复蜂蜜本来的状态。
这里是蜂蜜结晶的原因,蜂蜜里面的葡萄糖不溶于水 属于正常物理现象, 不会影响营养价值
放心吃,新西兰的蜂蜜都有专门的“乳化技术”所以结晶的现象比较少。还有个问题就是根据不同的蜜源. 有些蜜源产的蜜 属于流状 不会结晶.
Crystallisation Of honey is purely natural. Crystallizing of honey certainly doesn’t indicate its impurity. Crystallization of honey is a gift of nature. Honey will even crystallize when it's still in the comb. The crystallization of honey preserves the flavor and quality.
What crystallizes is the glucose, due to its lower solubility. Fructose is more soluble in water than glucose and will remain fluid. When glucose crystallizes, it separates from water and takes the form of tiny crystals. As the crystallization progresses and more glucose crystallizes, those crystals spread throughout the honey. The solution changes to a stable saturated form, and ultimately the honey becomes thick or crystallized.